About Us

Painted Feather Properties, LLC is a “for profit” company designed from the ground up to serve Military Veterans, widows, dependents, and their families, who are investing in real estate or are in need of fair cost housing. We are a Veteran owned company, created to provide an alternative to doing business with the typical usury real estate investment and rental companies.

Investments: Painted Feather Properties began in 1985 with our first property, a scenic ranch outside of San Antonio, Texas. Since then, we have grown into a legacy land group for mature investors looking for stable, generational investments within the United States. Our portfolio now includes river-view property in the Pacific Northwest.

Rentals: our business prioritizes rentals to US Military Service Members, Dependents, Retirees, and widows. We provide discounted rent and money back on any unneeded repair costs, and our pier to pier management practices assure our clients of fair treatment.

Our owner: Jeffrey W Jacobs. A Disabled Veteran with over 16 years of military service and still serving in the US Air Force, Sergeant Jacobs saw a need for Veteran to Veteran assistance with both real estate investment and fair cost housing. He created Painted Feather Properties, LLC at the age of 45 as both a legacy investment vehicle and a community service.

I’m a firm believer in the Nash Equilibrium. Yair Lapid put it like this, “The win-win situation is the basis for America’s entire business world. Instead of wasting our time attempting to defeat each other, let’s find a way that will make both of us gain and go home satisfied”.